Saturday 29 April 2017

By my side… What I have on my bedside table!

I love my bed - for sleep, relaxation and casual hanging out.
Many other people might stack books on their bedside table, but on mine is a small selection of products, I feel is very relevant to the bed area.

The items I have on my bedside table can be split into two groups - one for "moisture" and one for sleep/relaxation inducing.

The moisture pack
I realised, that the only way I remember to use nail oil is, when it is located by my bed, so I can incorporate it into my pre-sleeping routine.
I have the Essie Nail Oil, but I'm not that particular about it, this one just smells really nice and does help with the conditions of my nails.

An absolute must is a lip balm - I have lip balms scattered around my flat, but for the bedside table I have gone with a quite a luxury one - the By Terry Baum de Rose
This is an amazing lip balm, however I would probably not go so far as to say it is worth the price - however I enjoy using it and as it is quite thick, it is perfect for the nighttime.

Lastly I keep my skin savior, the Weleda Skin Food at hand for any dry skin emergencies.

The sleep/relaxation inducers
I have never been and will probably never be one of those people, that fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow. Actually I have quite the trouble with falling asleep, even when I'm very tried.
So I have been trying out some "natural" helpers, and have for the moment ended up with the Anatomicals Sleep Balm, this is very similar to the This Works Breathe In, which I also have, just a lot cheaper. I apply one of these to my pulse point right before I go to sleep.
I got the This Works Breathe In in a small set with the Deep Sleep Pillow Spray at a hotel, but again it is really expensive, so I decided to test if a simple Lavender spray could have a similar effect, and I actually think, it does.
I spray it onto my face and basically all over my bed. I might be imaging it, but I do think these two steps help with falling asleep.

So this was little look at my bedside table content - besides these I of cause always have my phone and remote controls on there, when I'm in bed.

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