Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Recovered overnight... Review - Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate!

I have been so in doubt about whether or not to do review on this product.

It was one of those things, I bought with very high expectations.
I had heard so much good about it, and from people that I normally go to for skin care recommendations!

It might be, that I had to high expectations or it might be, that my skin just isn't troubled enough to really see the difference - either way it didn't rock my world!

Where I have had my day time serum down for quite a while, I have been a bit more of a unstable ground when it came to night time.

For a while I used the La Roche-Porsay Effaclar Duo as kind of a serum, and once paired with bio-oil as moisturiser, I actually really liked it and saw great results.

And that might be the reason why, this didn't really do it for me.
Because maybe, I had already found something, that did pretty much the same, so it was just as if I had continued with those.
Does that make sense?

The unique bottle is a wonderful feature.
I want to make absolutely clear, that I don't dislike it in any way, and it definitely do work very well for skin.
I just don't see that major difference, that every one is raving about.

So I actually came to the conclusion, that besides my skin being overly sensitive, I probably don't as bad skin as I though.
And that discovery and realisation alone, actually kind of made this product worth the money:-)

I'm not completely sure, if I will repurchase, as it isn't cheap!
However I can say, that it will be a while before I have to decide, because I have had it for over three months and I have only used 1/4 of the 30 ml bottle.

Would I recommend it to others?
Probably not, but if asked, I would not say not to buy it.

So if you decide to try it out, my best advice is - lower you expectation:-)

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