Monday, 3 August 2015

Made with Love… Inspiration - My "almost" homemade Iced Tea!

Back home in Denmark, I miss all sorts of things from US, including Iced Tea.
You can get Iced Tea in Denmark, but either it is not really good or quite expensive.

So to keep the memories of my US holiday alive a bit longer, I turned to my kitchen and made my own.
It is really easy and tastes pretty much as good as was it served in Starbucks.

I start with brewing some tea.
I use about a liter boiled water and then 3 teabags - I use a Jasmine Tea from Tiger, but you can use whatever tea, you prefer.
I let it brew for a good hour or more, but I like a "strong" tea.

Then pop it is the fridge, preferable overnight - the colder it is, the less ice you will need, when you shake it.

When the tea is cold, you are ready for mixing.
Now you need a fruit syrup/squash or what ever you call it in your country - it is the kind you would normally mix with water, but the thicker and more natural flavored, the better.
I use this really nice Teisseire Passion Fruit Syrup, that I bought in this random danish shop called "Normal"!

How much you will need depend on how concentrated it is and how sweet and fruity, you want it.
So start with a little and do some tasting, until it is to your liking.
I probably do 4/5 tea and 1/5 syrup.

Shake with ice and you are done - I like to serve it over frozen grapes like here, but you could also cut up some fresh fruit for extra flavor.

So this was my easy iced tea - hope you enjoy.

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